Our journey thus far...

We keep getting questions about our new life here in CO so instead of writing multiple letters, this is my way of keeping people in the loop that want to follow us Cordovas! Hope you enjoy! I'll do my best to update often! :0)

Our journey thus far…
We left our life in California on February 22, and took a journey across a few states to finally arrive in our new home in Colorado.  My morning sickness was at an all-time high which made the trip that much more difficult.  The girls were troopers and had beautiful attitudes about the whole journey.  (the itouch is a must-have on a trip like that!)
So much to say about that long trip… the many stops, driving in hours of nothing,  arriving finally in CO just to find out that the movers were stuck in a snow storm and would be another day, trying to make the best of it and “camping out” all together in one room, movers finally showing up at the same time that the snow shows up here, trying to unpack everything all while feeling overwhelmingly sick from the pregnancy,  Moriyah getting sick and throwing up all night, Hubby starting work and leaving for a winter camp the first weekend, and on the list goes.
I’m not very good with changes in life.  I love what is familiar and everything in my life changed to being very unfamiliar.  New home, new church (which is amazing BTW), new baby on the way, new emotions, new schedule, new crazy weather, new faces, new life  and it's all in Colorado!  I’m such a California girl so this has been, and continues to be an adjustment for me.
My amazing husband is the optimist in our marriage and I am the pessimist.  If there is something bad that can be found in any situation, I can find it!  For my husband, beauty is everywhere.  He’s amazing that way!  His adjustment has been something I envy a bit… God blessed him with good perspectives!  The Lord knew I would need that in a husband because otherwise I would live my life too closely related to Eeyore!
We are slowly but surely getting this CO life figured out.  My morning sickness is beginning to become less and less (THANK YOU, JESUS!!!), I’ve fallen in love with cooking (which my family is very happy about!), Moriyah is doing well with homeschooling and learning fast, Scarlett is becoming a little lady these days and talking more and more, I’m feeling this new little one moving around which never gets old even on the third time around, our family is on a “normal” schedule for the very first time in our whole marriage and I love it, and our church here is truly a gift to be a part of.  
We miss our family and friends so much but we know that the Lord has brought us here for this season in our lives.  God’s hand has been all over us and we are amazed at His blessings that are overflowing right now.  The Lord is constantly reminding me that I need to trust Him, even when life doesn’t make sense because He knows what He’s doing…  so that’s what I’m trying to do everyday.  Somedays I fail and I end up a big ball of tears but then there are those days that I am so carried by the Lord that I don’t know what to do with myself!  The Lord is good and His mercies truly are new every morning!


  1. i'm grateful for this longer update =0) and i miss you and hope to see you again soon. what a change in just a few months.
    love you!

  2. thank you sweet friend! love you too!! :0)

  3. Thanks for the nice update. Glad to hear the Cordovas are doing well in your new State and home. Congrats on the new little one in the oven. I missed that news :)

  4. Love hearing how God is working in and through you and Tony and how He is showing up for you in this time of change. Love you guys and will continue to pray for you!

  5. So happy to have you here with us in Colorado. Our family moved here from Iowa five years ago and knew nobody...now it is home sweet home. Welcome to the family!! :)


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