The first day was a total bust! Potty everywhere BUT the toilet. I had the timer set for every half hour and as soon as the beep went off, she was supposed to go and try, even if she didn’t feel like she had to go. The accidents always happened RIGHT before the timer went off OR right after she just tried. I was thinking about it though and, for a kiddo who only knows diapers, going potty in a toilet is a little confusing. She would go in to “try” and come out with excitement saying, “I went POTTY!!!” Moriyah and I would run in to check and nothing was there… She went TO the potty but wasn’t getting the difference between going “TO” the potty and going “IN” the potty! It took a day of “Whoopsies” for her to realize that when she’s got that special feeling coming on, you head to the potty so that you don’t end up in a puddle!
The first day was a little tough… She cried every time she had an accident and kept asking for her diapers back saying, “I da baby, Mama!! I don’t want to be da big girl on the big potty anymore.” :0(
The second day has been a complete success!!! Thank You, JESUS!! She’s done awesome!!! I think once she had the praises of Mama and big sis singing and dancing, a gummy for a treat, and the feeling of accomplishment, life was SWEET!! Not a single “Whoopsie” and she’s been peeing like a champ!! This Mama is proud of her girl!!
I’ll still keep her in pull-ups during naps and nighttime but during the day she is a chonie wearing princess! We made up a little cheer for her and it went something like this…
“You are the Potty Princess PP
You are, you are the
Potty Princess PP!!”
She would yell back, “I NOT the Potty Princess PP!! I da Pink Princess!!” But after walking out, I would hear her cheering it all by herself, so I’m thinking it helped! ;0) Oh, and she now wants her privacy going potty… Such a sassy girl, that Scarlett Hope!
Now the next trick will be going out in public! :0)
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