A little Mommy encouragement

Last night I was so encouraged by some things that my sweet Hubby said to me and I thought I would share a little with you guys (especially the Mommies out there) because it was something that wasn’t just for me but for moms that love Jesus and need a little pick-me-up. :0)

So lately, thanks to the wonderful world of Pinterest, I have been introduced to some really awesome blogs out there by women who are amazingly crafty.  A few of my favorites happen to also be stay-at-home Mommies of multiple kiddos.  These ladies are rock stars because they do all the regular mom duties but they also are SO crafty that they can make a living by the awesome things they produce or by the services they can provide.  Whether they are photographers, stationary designers or just really good at making things worthy of selling to a large audience, they are inspiring! And they have really lovely blogs too! 

Anyways, in all of their amazing things that they do and that I like to attempt at doing (like making a wreath from music sheets!) I can feel a little like I wish I was able to do more.  It would be awesome to do something so great that I could bring in a little extra money while doing something I LOVED and was good at while also being home with my favorite little people.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE making cute things for my kiddos and decorating my house with endless projects but it’s not a skill I can sell! I sew by hand which takes forever (someday I’ll get a sewing machine!) and although my kids love what I make (thank You, Jesus!) it’s not a business. ;0)
 This is what I do... hehe :0)

So, to get to the point of this chat, I had a fun night of crafting and made a wreath from music sheets and worked on a baby blanket from my boy’s infant clothes (so yummy to remember all his sweet baby clothes… it’s more for me then for him!).  My Hubby came home from church and when I showed him the wreath, he really liked it! Yay! I feel well accomplished when he likes what I create! (I also just refinished our bed frame and he loved that too! I was scared he was gonna hate it but he let me be brave and make something fun! Thank you, honey!)
So back to the story… I was telling him about these blogs I have been looking at and wishing I could multitask like these awesome moms.  He said, “Just keep using what the Lord has given you for Him.”  As a stay-at-home mom who is sick from dizziness everyday and doesn’t venture out much because of it, (the song, “you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby…” is always on my mind!) I was thinking, “How does making a wreath or a lovey for my kids giving back to the Lord?”  My sweet sweet Hubster started telling me how every time I make our house a home by creating things to decorate it with, or by cleaning the house or making food for the family it can be worship to the Lord.  He was saying how much it blesses him to come home to a clean house (we always do a quick scramble to clean up when he’s on his way home from work so it kinda looks like the house was always this clean!)  with happy kids that love Jesus.  (Our little Scarlie prays for EVERYTHING and sings about her Prince Jesus all day long! She’s awesome! And our Mo is growing in her own relationship with Jesus in such a beautiful way. I’ll share about that soon!)
The thing that was most encouraging about what  my Hubby was saying and why I wanted to share with you guys was that, no matter how talented you are or aren’t, what is most important is what you do with the much or little you have and how you honor the Lord with it. So if you love to decorate your home and make it a cozy place for your family, you can honor the Lord in how you do it.  If you love cooking a meal to bless your family and nourish them with good yumminess, you can honor the Lord in that.  When you clean your home you can honor the Lord in that too. I love turning worship music on while I clean (or do anything really) because it not only keeps my focus on Jesus BUT it gets my kiddos singing too which is awesome!  I know that as a mom, it can feel like all you do is pick up messes, make food, clean up messes, break up fights, clean up messes, make more food, clean up messes, change another diaper and start it all over again BUT the way we do it will either honor the Lord or not.  My kids watch everything I do so my attitude is so important especially in these little years. When I’m in the Word, my kids are too.  When I’m singing, my kids are singing. When I’m complaining, my kids complain. When I’m crafty, my kids are crafty. They reflect so much of my attitudes and behaviors so I need to be reflecting Jesus by spending time with Him so that I can pour out Jesus to my babies.

Well, that was a little long but hopefully you got the point and were encouraged along with me!  So I hope today you get some sweet time with Jesus, snuggle your babies a little more, kiss your Hubby, and maybe even have time for a craft! If not, then I hope that for myself! ;0)

Colossians 3:23-24  “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

love love... abs


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