Baby Watch and Monday Memory Verse

This week's verse is Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."

Really good verse for this week, at least for this very pregnant Mama! I was due yesterday (Sunday) and he's still cooking away! My babies tend to stay in there longer than I would like. Oh well... "Trust the Lord" is my motto this week because He already knows the day and hour this sweet little one will enter the world.  I pray everyday that "today is the day" but He's like, "Yeah, no. Sorry, honey. Not today." At least so far! But then one of these days He'll be like, "OK! Ready or Not, here he comes!" I go back and forth between really excited and really nervous, knowing that I have to go through labor to get to see my baby's face. 

This is me the day before my due date all poopy-faced cuz the inside man is still inside. Time to come see Mama, little man! I want to hold you!!!

So here's to having a baby within 2 weeks!!!
I'll keep ya posted!
Say a prayer for us!

lovelove, Abs


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