Monday Memory Verse

(Part of the verse is missing on the chalkboard. oops!)

This is our second week of homeschooling and our second "Monday Memory Verse".  This week's verse is very fitting for two reasons:
1.) Moriyah has been having a hard time going to sleep lately. She's one of those people who can run on very little sleep. She wakes up early and falls asleep late and never needs a nap. She'll lay in bed even if the lights are out and just can't sleep. Then she starts thinking about her parents and misses us and cries. She's very tenderhearted. For her birthday, we got her this light-up unicorn thing that she'd been asking for since christmas, hoping that having a little extra light might help her not get freaked out at night. Sometimes it helps and other times she comes into our room with tears in her eyes and asking for prayer and for us to walk her back to her room...
... So this week's verse is good for her to memorize.

2.) With my kiddos memorizing verses, so do I. I need this verse this week. I'm 39 weeks preggo, and as much as I wanna get this baby out and see his face, I also am fully aware that I have to go through labor to get to that point. Not my cuppa tea!...
... So this week's verse is good for me to memorize.

"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10

(She asked to take a picture with her verse.)

Happy Monday, folks!
lovelove, Abs


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