Family Day

We spent a day in Old Folsom last week and had such a sweet time just playing as a family. Those kind of days are so important and so good to forget about the craziness of life and just focus on the greatest gifts we've been given in our children. We are so madly in love with these kids and we are so thankful to the Lord for entrusting us with these little folk. They are just amazing. 

My Scarlett is FULL of silliness and fun!

Sweet Sisters

My Boys!

Uly was a wee bit anti-camera… You just gotta go with it sometimes and embrace the crazy!

These pictures are so true to life of my kids! It makes me smile and laugh every time I see these! Moriyah is so sweet and mothering. Maximus is his perfect little self. Scarlett is being silly… And then there's Ulysses! Loud, wild, crying. Gosh, I love that boy. He's his own man for sure. I love that about him. He keeps us busy and active!

I love this guy too. We've been through some crazy shtuff together but we're still big fans of each other. I'm thankful for that. 

A lot of dancing occurred as well. My kids LOVE to dance. 

Lots of fun memories were made and I'm so thankful to have these moments to play, laugh, dance and just BE a family. It was a good day. 

Happy Sunday!


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