He's 3 Months Old!

Maximus Caius, 
also known as Max, Maxi-poo, Mackie, Mackie-doo, Maxi-D, Maxi-Cai, Maxi-waxy, Max the Mouse, Max the Moose, and 
the perfect one.
He's 3 months old already. Time is flying with this guy. We adore this wee one. He is truly a gift of grace from the greatest grace-giver Himself. I thank Jesus for him every time I pick his sweetness up. Yesterday when I went to nurse this little guy, he could barely nurse because every time he looked at me, he smiled SO big and kept unlatching. Be still my heart. He knew just what I needed. He lurves his Mama.   
I'm over the moon in love with each of my babes.
I'm so thankful.
Happy 3 months, my sweet son!



  1. He's so adorable, Abs! I love all the different expressions you've captured!

    1. Thank you so much, Nate! :0) Can't believe you guys haven't met him yet!! Miss you guys!


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