He's 5 months!

Maximus turned 5 months, and although I'm a few days late on posting this, I still wanted to have it up to someday look back on. 

Our Maximus is just the sweetest little guy you'll ever meet. He can sleep through anything which is a huge blessing since Ulysses is his big brother! Uly is ridiculously loud. Wow. Like really really loud, so I'm thankful this tiny man can sleep through the noise.
He loves looking around at everyone and everything. He holds the world record in largest smile. He is the best at snuggling this Momma. He has a laugh that will make your face hurt from smiling so much listening to him. He is discovering his voice and makes lots of sweet sounds. He plays with his tongue and makes noises and spits with it too. So cute, this kid! He loves when his brother or sisters play with him. He is figuring out how to hold things now which is so fun to watch. He is still a spit-up champ and soaks himself and this Momma multiple times throughout the day. At least he gets lots of use out of all his clothes! 
His Daddy gave him his first haircut which made this Momma cry. I miss all his hair! *tear* But now he looks even more like his Daddy which is pretty darn cute to see.

He is just a wonderful little dude who is the perfect addition to our crew.
I was swooning over him today while he was on the floor with me and my Scarlett said, "Mom? Are you like in love with him or something?!" You better believe it, kid! How could I not be?! He's just perfect! 
Anyhoo, here are some pictures of his cuteness from today!

I mean, seriously... he's just dreamy. 
Happy 5 months, little stud! 
We adore you!

And here's one quick remembrance of the hair that was lost, but never forgotten. We miss you, hairs!{insert stinker face}



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