Max is 7 Months!

This perfect little human has turned 7 months old today. {tears}
Oh geez. Why do babies always grow up?
He started eating solids within the last few days which his big sisters and brother love to fight over who gets to feed him. He's kind of a big deal around here!
He's not into the food all that much yet and looks at us like we are crazy people but it just furthers our adoration of him and his cuteness because we all start giggling like school girls every time he makes those silly faces.
He grabs for everything, including my face and lips when he's nursing (maybe I talk too much to him).  He sits like a champ, scoots his bum around, plays with his toys, laughs a ton, takes big boy baths now with his brother, has outgrown most of the "baby" stuff like the swing and bouncer and what not. He is already wearing 12m clothing. He makes the cutest noises around.
He's just awesome in every way! 

 Brother time...



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