Moriyah turned 9!

Our gorgeous Moriyah Shalom turned 9 years old in July. 
We are blown away with who this young lady is growing up to be.
She is a true gift to me as a Mom.
She is the "little momma" around the house, always helping with the younger children whether she is pouring them cereal, helping to brush someone's teeth, holding a baby so that I can get dinner ready, reading to one (or more) sibling(s) on the couch, picking out clothes for someone or making a sad little one happy again by being silly or sweet.
She has a heart of gold.
She LOVES reading to the point where she takes a book everywhere she goes and I have to tell her to put the book down to eat her dinner. (Her Grandpa David would be SO proud!)
She loves movies and could watch them the all the live long day 
(with a book in her hand, of course) if I let her.
She is very thoughtful and loves making pictures or little crafts for any and everyone.
She loves anything to do with art and dancing.
She loves Jesus and loves reading the Bible.
She sings all throughout the day. 
She loves watching old shows like Batman and Wonder Woman 
with her Grammies every Saturday night. 
She is responsible and mature while being sweet and full of innocence. 
She is extremely positive and sees the good in almost every situation.
Her heart is so tender and compassionate. 
I am so proud to be HER Momma.

For her birthday this year she asked me to make her something, anything, just as long as I made it.
How sweet is she?!
So we went to the fabric store and we picked out some sweet summery fabrics to put together to make a big blanket for her.
She picked the order of the fabrics and then I got busy.
I still don't know how to use a sewing machine so it took me a few weeks of sewing it all by hand to have the final product.
It has nine rows of squares so she can always remember that she got it on her ninth birthday.
She now sleeps with it every night and tells me how much she loves it.
Totally worth all the effort and time it took because of how thankful she is for it.
She is a gem!

We adore you, Mo! 



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