
I'm reading a book on motherhood and I've been so encouraged by each chapter so far.
It's by Sally Clarkson (The Mom Walk) and I was hearing about her a lot lately. I was wanting to read one of her books but right now we are livin' off of love so I didn't want to spend the money. I said a silly prayer about it though because the Lord knows that this momma could use some mommy encouragement, and guess what I found on a book shelf at a thrift store for one dollaaaaa! Yep! This book has been a little gift to me!
I read this in my minivan (cuz we know how to ride classy. wonk wonk) this afternoon and was encouraged:

"Every mother I know has endless seasons of stress, challenge, and worry, but it is a waste of time to spend energy and hours worrying and fretting and troubling ourselves about things that we can't make go away. God has already been through hundreds of generations of mother's problems with her family, and He has planned to be a constant companion through each and every mother's life. 
How can we handle all the stress? Only by learning the place of prayer in the daily moments and issues of life."

We aren't the first generation of mothers that feel overwhelmed or worried or stressed. The Lord has walked this path of motherhood with women for generations. This ain't His first rodeo! 
He is faithful.
"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
Isaiah 40:11

This season with little ones is a beautiful mess. 
Diapers, vomit, sleepless nights, nursing, changing messy clothes for the millionth time, runny noses,  cries, sticky floors, limited opportunities to shower, baby food all over your own clothes, jammies and stretchy pants that have become your "mom uniform"...
But it's also full of slobbery kisses, snuggles for days, belly laughs and giggles that can make even the hardest of days seem better in a moment, fridges full of handmade artwork made especially for you, sweet tiny voices that say things like "I wub you" and "You wook boo-tiful" and chubby little hands with questionable stickiness on them that squish your face and stare into your eyes and poke your nose and smile with all the love in the world because you read them a book, and on and on and on the list goes.
The little years are my favorite.

And I know the next season ahead with preteens, teens, college kids and beyond will have it's joys and challenges, but for today, I'm thankful to be in THIS season of all things little. 



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