Scarlett and her Prayer

This little swinging sweet potato, Scarlett Hope, officially gave her heart to Jesus this morning with her Daddy! Since she was teeny tiny she always talked about Jesus and the angels and heaven and always has stopped anything she was doing to pray for her family but today was extra sweet... She asked for some alone time to spend with Jesus in her room and spent time praying for a new house, bunk beds and that she could hear God. Her Daddy talked to her and asked if she has ever given her heart to Jesus and she said, "I think I am right now" and she then prayed with her Daddy. She came up to me afterwards and I hugged and kissed her. I then told her that Jesus gives each person special gifts so that we can bless other people and show them the love of Christ and that one of her gifts is encouragement! Her eyes filled with tears and she hugged me again. The rest of the day she keeps telling me how excited she is to have the gift of encouragement from Jesus! She said, "Mom, you look beautiful today! Remember?! I have the gift of encouragement from Jesus!" Nothing is more precious, more valuable and more important than your babies truly knowing and loving Jesus. Today was good... 



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