18 Years

"If you have ever lost a loved one, then you know exactly how it feels. And if you have not, then you cannot possibly imagine it." (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
18 years since my Dad passed from this life to the next. He spent the greater part of his life teaching, writing and preaching about the One that he now stands in the presence of for eternity. What an amazing thing! I wish I could just get a little peek. 
Yes, I've missed him on my wedding day, I've missed him seeing his grandbabies and I've missed watching him grow old with my mama, but nothing in this life can compare with the glory that has been revealed to him as he is surrounded by the fullness of God Almighty. Nothing. 
Someday we will all stand before the Lord. Can you even imagine that moment? Everyone that has been in the presence of God Himself in the Bible falls to the ground and looks inward realizing how unholy they really are when compared to a holy God. 
I love the line in the movie The Gladiator that says, "What we do in this life echoes in eternity." It's so true. The decision we make to either follow Jesus or not has an impact that we can't even fully comprehend on this side of life. 
P.S. This was my Dad's favorite picture of us.


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