When Scarlett turned 6...

Here is Scarlett's birthday pictures from January.
These are some of my favorites of the girls together.
They are the best of friends and dream of the day they can grow up and move out together and have bunkbeds and live next door to Mama so that they can come over every morning and have breakfast with me. Oh my heart! Aren't they precious?! I am one blessed Mama!

Here's what I wrote on Instagram:

"It took me a full year before I was able to get pregnant with this little lady. I kept thinking that something was wrong with me. As every month passed, each time hoping and praying that I was pregnant, I was met with such discouragement and sadness, wondering if I'd ever be able to have another child. For 12 months I prayed and cried and hoped and feared. And then one morning, I sat up in my bed and instantly felt horribly nauseous and excitedly ran to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test with my heart racing, praying that I would see two pink lines... And there they were! I ran back to the bedroom to wake up my hubby and said, "Are you ready to be a Daddy again?!" We both cried and thanked God for answering our prayers. It's funny looking back at that season, knowing how painful those 12 months were of waiting and hoping and getting discouraged over and over and feeling confused because things weren't going the way I thought they should, because now, being on the other side of it all I can see it was exactly supposed to happened that way... It was all happening because of HER. She was the one I was waiting for. She was the one I had been praying for all that time. God had a plan for HER and that plan included me waiting and waiting and praying and praying.  It was a test of my faith. And the moment I first laid eyes on her I knew that SHE was the one I had been waiting for that whole time. God had a perfect plan and knew this world and this mama would need this little firecracker. She was worth the wait in every way. And today we celebrate HER! 
Happy 6th Birthday, to our wildly fun, silly, joyful, beautiful blonde, Scarlett Hope! We love the snot outta you, kid! "


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