Mother's Day 2015

This Mother's Day was so sweet. I think it was the first Mother's Day that I didn't feel guilty or discouraged or unworthy. Usually I struggle having a day to celebrate me as a Mom because I allow too many negative thoughts of how I'm not good enough or I was too impatient or my voice was raised too many times or whatever. But this year it was different! It was sweeter and fuller and I just enjoyed embracing the love that overflows from my children to me. They love me something fierce and as much as I can fall short, they seem to not notice and instead just freely love me as their Mama and I couldn't be more thankful and blessed.
What I true gift it is to be not only a Mama, but THEIR Mama! 
My cup runs over!
We spent the morning leading worship at church and then walked through this gorgeous plant nursery before spending the rest of the day with family. 
Such a sweet day!


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