homeschool ramblings and summer on the horizon!

We are midway through May and very quickly approaching the end of the school year and the start of sweet sweet summertime! I cannot wait! I think by the end of each year I start questioning why I'm homeschooling. We're all a bit antsy for a break. I really do though, love having this opportunity to teach my kids at home and keep them close. Being the homebody that I am, I'm thankful that I get to stay home and learn alongside of them in this journey that we're on. That being said, I love summer break just as much or more than my children do! No schedules to keep, sunshine, water, warm evenings, tan lines, smells of coconuts and sunscreens, and lots and lots of playing outside with my babies.  
 One of my favorite things about homeschooling, and something that has kept me going with it, especially this year, has been our bible time in the mornings. They are some of the sweetest conversations that I have with my children. After my own personal time reading the bible, I gather all the kiddos together in the living room and go over what I've just read and then we chat more about it, what it means, how it applies to our lives, and so on. It usually stirs on more questions or thoughts that they have and it's truly the point in my day that I feel like I'm doing what God has called me to do. He has entrusted me with these four eternal souls and before the Lord, I'm called to not only care and nurture their physical needs of food and clothing and shelter but also to nurture their hearts and souls with the Word of God. I was just reading and explaining this portion from Ezekiel 3:18-19 that says, "When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die', and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul." I was telling my kids the responsibility that I have before the Lord to teach them about Jesus. He requires that of me. Nothing is of more value than the souls of our children and where they and we end up.
 "For God so loved THE WHOLE WORLD that He sent His Son…" 
For some reason, God really loves us humans. So much so that He went to such great lengths to save us and spend time with us and four of those humans where formed in my womb and He's called me to mother them! Truly amazing…
 So, as much I am ready for summer break and a little more freedom in our days, I also don't want to forget the gift and privilege it is to teach my children from home and have an environment that fosters deep conversations with little hearts and growing minds. Every year I pray about the school year and ask for the Lord's wisdom and guidance in what to do. At some point I may have my children in traditional school, and some days I crave the idea of having someone else teach them for fear of my own inadequacies, but decisions made in fear often aren't from the Lord and He gives me peace and strength to continue on in this homeschooling adventure. Every family is different and we each have our own journey with the Lord. My story is not yours and He has a plan for each of us. So as much as I feel unable somedays, He gently reminds me that by His strength I am able! 
I feel like I'm rambling now so until next time!… 



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