Oils of the Bible

Hey guys! So here is the class I put together on the Oils of the Bible. I was so blessed in studying all about it and I'm excited to share it here for those that missed the class on Facebook.

So here we go! This is the intro video and then the rest you can scroll down and read.

POST 1: Welcome to our class tonight!  
A little about myself... I grew up as a pastor’s kid and my dad would read the scriptures to me every night. It was my favorite thing in the world. And  when I wasn’t feeling well my Dad often would anoint my head with oil (making the sign of the cross with his finger on my forehead) and pray over me. That was my first encounter with essential oils. My dad passed away when I was 14 years old so those memories are very precious to my heart. 
Years later I was re-introduced to essential oils but completely skeptical of them until I realized what they really were, how they supported our bodies and that they were created and by THEE Creator and spoken of so many times in the scripture (over 200 times)! That really dropped my walls of skepticism and I had to try them! And I’ve been so amazed and so thankful for the blessing they have been to myself personally as well as to my family. 
God, as the Creator, designed our bodies with the ability to experience life with five sense: touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. So often He then will use parts of our senses to connect us with Him. Our prayers are referred to as incense (Psalm 141:2). Our Christ-likeness is a sweet smelling aroma (2 Cor. 2:15). We are told to taste and see that the Lord good! (Psalm 34:8) In biblical times, sacrifices were required for different purposes but all with sweet or strong aromas including spices, meat and various plants and woods. The priests had holy oils that were blends of fragrant oils as well as incense burning throughout the temples. So much of God’s design of our bodies relates to our senses being accessed. Our brain can access our emotions, for example, through smell in a way that nothing else can. Think about how you feel smelling chocolate or coffee or how you have an instant childhood memory when you walk by honeysuckle or how you feel whenever you go up to the mountains and breath the air or how you feel standing at the foot of the ocean and breath in the saltiness all around you. Smell can even have a negative emotion that brings you back to a difficult time in your life. I can walk by a certain flower and it instantly takes my mind back to when my Dad passed away and our home was filled with flowers and grief.  God designed our bodies, minds, and souls to be accessed by our senses. His prescriptions to His people included the use of plant, flower and wood oils to be used for anything from cleansing, prayer, sacrifice, holiness (to be set apart), forgiveness,  and so much more.  
“ His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3)
The more I learn about essential oils, the more I see how wonderful and kind and gracious the Lord is in His design of our bodies and His design in creation that so beautifully blends together in such sweet harmony. The Lord is so good, and so very generous to what He has made to benefit our bodies. He owns “the cattle on a thousand hills” (Ps. 50:10) and that includes every tree, plant, and possible resource that He in turns gives back to us for our good. 

POST 2: So let’s dive in!
What are essential oils?  And why Young Living?
They are, in essence, the life source of the plant. As much as herbs have been used for thousands of years for countless things, essential oils are much more potent and concentrated so a little goes a long way. One drop of Peppermint essential oil, for example, is the same as having 26 cups of Peppermint Tea! Incredible! Young Living’s statement says: “Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing. Extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come. Any time you hold a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature's pure essence.”

We actually use essential oils everyday.  They are in our toothpaste, our laundry detergent, perfume, candles, candy, deodorant, and shampoos.  Anything that has been scented has essential oils in them.  But not all oils are created equally.  Food and perfume grade oils are typically synthetic unless stated otherwise.  These two types of oils cannot be used therapeutically for the benefits of your health.  Synthetic oils in fact can do more damage to your body by using them because they can store as toxins, unable to be released.

Young Living Essential Oils are a pure, therapeutic grade and work with your body to assist your health.  Within 20 minutes of applying an oil, they can be found in every cell of your body.   These types of pure oils are steam distilled from plants and contain the hormones, immunity, scents and essence of each one.

+Young Living has developed their own “Seed to Seal” promise that ensures that they have inspected the purity of the oil from the planting of the seed to the sealing of the bottle.  

+Because of the Seed to Seal promise, they are what we call, “beyond organic”.  When Young Living buys land for a new farm they even check the history of that land to ensure there has never been any pesticides or herbicides used on it that could leak into the crop.

+Young Living Essential Oils don’t have any additives in them and are completely pure.  This makes them safe for ingestion.

Disclaimer: Any suggestions made in this class are specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements in this class have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do NOT stop.

POST 3:  The Holy Anointing Oil  and the Incense as referenced in Scripture:

“Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Also take for yourself quality spices—five hundred shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much sweet-smelling cinnamon (two hundred and fifty shekels), two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling cane, five hundred shekels of cassia, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil. And you shall make from these a holy anointing oil, an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer. It shall be a holy anointing oil.” (Exodus 30:22-25)
“And the Lord said to Moses: “Take sweet spices, stacte and onycha and galbanum, and pure frankincense with these sweet spices; there shall be equal amounts of each. You shall make of these an incense, a compound according to the art of the perfumer, salted, pure, and holy.” (Exodus 30:34-35)

POST 4:  Aloes or Sandalwood
When the Bible refers to aloes, it is more closely related to the aromatic extract (or mash) of a tree’s heartwood (Sandalwood), used for healing and especially embalming. 
The Bible lists aloe(s) as:
A symbol of abundance and provision (Numbers 24:6)
A perfume (Psalm 45:8, Proverbs 7:17)
An incense (Song of Solomon 4:14)
Burial ointment for Christ (John 19:39)
Modern Uses: 
It’s woodsy and sweet smell make it perfect to add into perfumes, aftershave, cosmetics, diffusing it alone or mixed into a blend. It’s very grounding, calming and relaxing. Apply Sandalwood to the forehead to help through periods of emotional pain. This oil calms and balances emotions.
***Sandalwood is in several Young Living oil blends including Brain Power™, Gathering™, and Inspiration™. To purchase this oil by itself, it is now sold as Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, and still has a rich, sweet, warm, and woody aroma that is sensual and romantic. The S. paniculatum tree is native to and found only on the island of Hawaii, where Young Living has a partner farm that practices sustainable reforestation farming management principles.

POST 5: Cassia  (Cinnamomum)
 The Cassia of the Bible comes from the same plant family as cinnamon. It is one of the oils used in the holy anointing oil. 
The Bible lists Cassia as:
An anointing oil (Exodus 30:24)
A perfume (Psalm 45:8)
Precious commodities (Ezekiel 27:19)
Modern Uses:
It supports the immune system and is very calming and relaxing. It is high in antioxidants and may support your body’s natural defenses. It may also help to release negative emotions.

***Cassia is found in Young Living’s oil blend Exodus II™. Always mix with a carrier oil since this is a “hot” oil and can cause skin irritations if not diluted properly.

POST 6: Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica)
Most commonly used as a burned wood for ceremonial purposes, Cedarwood is associated with cleansing and purification.
The Bible lists Cedarwood as:
A ceremonial tool for cleansing  (Leviticus 14, Numbers 19)
A perfume (Psalm 45:8)
A symbol of abundance and provision (Numbers 24:6, Psalm 92:12, Ezekiel 31:3)
A symbol of security and stability (Song of Solomon 1:17; 8:9; Zechariah 11:2)
The choice wood for building, trading and currency (referenced by several verses in 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 2                    Chronicles, Ezra 3, Jeremiah 22, Ezekiel 17)
Mentioned by Solomon in his proverbs and sacred writings (I Kings 4:34)
The oil from the Cedars of Lebanon were used to embalm the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt. Modern scientists have found antioxidant properties of the Cedarwood oil as well. 

Modern Uses: It is very calming and grounding which is so helpful in promoting a restful nights sleep! It also is helpful for skin and hair support. Dudes love the smell of this oil and can be used in place of a cologne.

***Cedarwood can be purchase alone or as an important ingredient in Brain Power™, Grounding™, Highest Potential™ Essential Oil Blends, and Cel-Lite Magic™ massage oil.

POST 7:  Cypress  (Cupressus sempervirens)
Cypress is a symbol of strength, durability and security. Closely related to Cedarwood, it has a very woodsy and powerful aroma.

The Bible lists Cypress as:
The choice wood for building, trading and currency (referenced by several verses in 1 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Isaiah 41)
A fragrant hardwood and symbol of security & stability (Isaiah 44:14)
A symbol of prosperity (Isaiah 60:13, Hosea 14:8, Zechariah 11:2)
The choice wood for weaponry (Nahum 2:3)
Modern Uses:
It may help support blood circulation. It is very calming and grounding and may support the release of negative emotions. It also contains antibacterial components. 

***Cypress essential oil can be purchased as a single.

POST 8: Frankincense (Olibanum-Boswellia carteri)
Though it dates back thousands of years before Christ, Frankincense is probably the most well known oil because it was one of the gifts given to Jesus as a child, along with Myrrh.  It is listed as one of the holy oils.  God gave these oils to His Son as well as His priests, since they were the ones constantly around the sick, dead and hurt.  Frankincense was (and still is) a very valuable oil for so many reasons.  

The Bible lists Frankincense as:
A part of ceremonial offerings (Referenced several times in Leviticus 2, 5, 6, 24; Numbers 5, 1 Chronicles 9, 
Nehemiah 13)
A holy ceremonial perfume (Exodus 30:34)
A perfume (Song of Solomon 3:6; 4:6)
A precious commodity – potential currency (Isaiah 60:6; Jeremiah 6:20; Revelations 18:13)
The gifts of the Magi to the Christ child (Matthew 2:11)

Modern Uses:
It is the “wonder oil” and has been well loved and used for countless issues. It is very grounding and seen as the “spiritual” oil, helping our emotions to push out negative feelings because it contains sesquiterpenes that stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions. It is often used in times of worship to help to bring a sense of calming and grounding to our emotions as well as help to focus and relieve stress. It is also used to help support the immune system, and to support healthy skin.
***You can buy Frankincense alone, but you also get a bottle with the Premium Starter Kit! Some people like to ingest Frankincense Vitality for it’s health benefits. It is an ingredient in the Longevity™ supplement, The Gift™, 3 Wise Men™, Boswellia Wrinkle Cream™, and more.

POST 9: Galbanum (Ferula gummosa or Ferula galbaniflua)
Not as well familiar of the oils, Galbanum was listed for the incense used in the heart of the temple. 
 The Bible lists Galbanum as:
A holy ceremonial perfume (Exodus 30:34)

Modern Uses:
Galbanum comes from the resin in stems and branches. It can help to support emotional balance,  support healthy skin, and support the respiratory system. It also can help with oral hygiene. Use Galbanum over the liver to help release anger.

***Galbanum is found in Exodus II™, Gathering™, Gratitude™, Highest Potential™, Oola Balance™, Oola Grow™, and The Gift™.

POST 10:  Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
This oil has a very woodsy and earthy aroma. It was mentioned in scripture 12 different times and was associated with cleansing of sins as well as spiritual and emotional connectedness. The hebrew meaning of hyssop is “holy herb”. David spoke of hyssop in Psalm 51:7 saying, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” 
The bible lists hyssop as:
A part of ritual cleansing and ceremonial offerings (Referenced several times in Exodus 12; Leviticus 14; Numbers 19; Psalm 51;  Hebrews 9)
The sponge that soaked up the sour wine was put on a branch of hyssop and was given to Jesus on the cross (John 19:29)
Mentioned by Solomon in his proverbs and sacred writings (I Kings 4:34)

Modern Uses:
Hyssop supports a healthy immune system as well as helping to awaken the DNA in our cells and bring a sense of calming. It may support in stimulating creativity.  
***Hyssop can be purchased alone or in ImmuPower™ and Relieve It™ blends.

POST 11: Myrrh (commiphora myrrha)
Myrrh is one of the most spoken of oils mentioned in the Bible. This oil comes from the resin of the tree and used in many ways. When combined with Frankincense, they have a synergistic effect which improves the others’ antimicrobial benefits. Knowing that, it makes sense that these two oils were given as gifts to Jesus as a child and were of more value than gold.  Egyptians used this oil to promote healthy skin. Esther was massaged with this oil for six months in preparation for marriage. It has a warm and woodsy aroma.
The bible lists myrrh as:
A precious commodity – potential currency (Genesis 37:25)
Anointing oil (Exodus 30:23)
An ointment (Song of Solomon 5:5)
A perfume (Psalm 45:8, Proverbs 7:17, Song of Solomon 1:13, 4:14, 5:13)
An incense (Song of Solomon 3:6, 4:6)
Mixed with edible spices to be eaten (Song of Solomon 5:1)
The gifts of the Magi to the Christ child (Matthew 2:11)
Mixed with wine and given to Jesus on the cross (Mark 15:23)
Burial preparations Nicodemus used for Jesus in the tomb (John 19:39)

Modern Uses:
Helps to promote healthy skin. It is also used for oral hygiene. It has an uplifting effect emotionally.

***Myrrh can be purchased alone and is also in several Young Living skin care products and in the oil blends Exodus II™, Egyptian Gold™, Three Wise Men™, The Gift™, Gratitude™, Humility™ and Hope™.

POST 12: Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
This oil isn’t mentioned as much as some of the other oils but it is associated with growth and abundance. Some suggest that the meaning of Esther’s name (also known as Hadassah) is myrtle which is a low growing plant with fragrant flowers. You can imagine, with all the time she spent in the palace in preparation for marriage to the king that she used this oil as well. 
The Bible lists myrtle as:
The choice wood for building ceremonial booths (Nehemiah 8:15)
A symbol of provision (Isaiah 41:19; 55:13)
A symbol of protection (Zechariah 1:8, 10-11)

Modern Uses:
Myrtle may help to support the thyroid and glandular systems and has been studied for it’s antimicrobial and antioxidant benefits. It also is a great addition to your skin care routine. Put a few drops of myrtle in honey to help the liver (where anger is stored) better process emotions.

***Can be purchased alone, but is also found in Endoflex™, Purification™, and R.C.

POST 13: Onycha (Styrax officinalis)
This oil is only mentioned in the recipe for the Holy Incense used by Moses to keep the area used for sacrifices cleansed and purified.  Onycha (also known as Benzoin) essential oil is an essence that is extracted from the gum resin. When it is mixed with alcohol it is referred to as tincture of benzoin. This was used for over 200 years in hospitals before World War II. It’s spicy and hot aroma help to calm and soothe.
The Bible lists Onycha as:
A holy ceremonial perfume (Exodus 30:34)

Modern Uses:
Onycha may support a healthy cardiovascular system, emotions and healthy skin. It can also help to support healthy kidney and digestive functions. Rub Onycha over the stomach and abdomen to help release blocked emotions of sadness and pain.

***This essential oil is only available in the 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture kit.

POST 14: Rose of Sharon (Cistus ladanifer)
The Rose of Sharon is believed to be also known as Cistus. It has a honey smelling aroma that is very calming. The Rose of Sharon can also be referred to biblically as a flower that grows in unfavorable circumstances. It is a flower that produces beauty and a sweet smelling aroma in the midsts of thorns and harsh soil. Beautiful picture this flower gives to believers!
The Bible lists the Rose of Sharon as:
A reference to the “Beloved” (Song of Solomon 2:1)

Modern Uses:
Place drops of Rose of Sharon along the spine to give the body strength to overcome obstacles.  May also support immune, joint and circulatory systems.

***Cistus may be purchased individually or as an ingredient in ImmuPower™.

POST 15: Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)
Spikenard is the well known oil used in Bethany that a woman used to anoint the feet of Jesus. After being criticized of using such costly oil, Jesus spoke saying, “Assuredly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.” And we still are reading about it today! 

The Bible lists Spikenard as:
A royal fragrant aroma (Song of Solomon 1:12)
A prized, desired plant (Song of Solomon 4:13-14)
An costly ointment/perfume used to anoint Christ (Mark 14:3; John 12:3)
Modern Uses:
Take spikenard internally to calm nerves and give a sense of power and strength. Can also be used as a perfume.

***Spikenard can be purchased alone and is also found in Animal Scents Shampoo, Egyptian Gold™, Exodus II™, and The Gift™.

POST 16:  LAST THOUGHTS//  Not all of us can travel to the holy land and walk where Jesus walked and see all that He saw here on earth, BUT we can experience a little taste of biblical history every time we open a bottle of these oils that were used by Jesus and by our other heroes of the faith. 
The details of oils and woods and plants were important enough to God to have them included in the written Word. God is in the details of our lives and even knows the number of hairs we have on our head! (Luke 12:7) I have grown in my love and respect for these oils and as I have studied the meaning behind them and knowing that the Lord, Who is always intentional in His instructions, gave such incredible recipes for His people that we can still read about and use today!
Jesus said: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

 Thank you all so much for taking the time to join us tonight!! We hope you all enjoyed looking into these wonderful oils spoken of in Scripture!
If you're new here and ready to jump in: The BEST place, hands down, to begin is with your premium starter kit! You are not only getting 11 of the best oils, diffuser, literature and samples but you are getting a team to be by your side every step of way on this wellness journey! And this month you also get a free oil of Christmas Spirit when you get your Premium Starter Kit! 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Here are the instructions on how to get started!
(You will get an email with all the information you'll ever need after purchasing!)
+ Go to the Young Living Sign-Up page: http://yl.pe/43gd
+ Make sure you've checked Young Living wholesale member! (The wholesale will get you 24% discount and you never ever, ever have to sell. ever.)
+ Enter the the number 3949862 in the  Sponsor ID and Enroller ID areas
+ Fill out your information and be sure to include your email. I can contact you this way and add you to our private Facebook group.
+ Choose your kit or products. The premium starter kit is the way to go, my friends! It's $160 but over $300 in products!
+ You can sign up for Essential Rewards when you order, only if you want. Essentially it means you will spend right around $50 a month ($100 a month if you are selling). You will start building up points which equal free products!
+ Welcome to the family!
THANK YOU GUYS again for joining us tonight!!! XO


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