Christmas Time at Our Home 2016

Here's little peeks into Christmas time at our house…
We live in a tiny little cozy "tree house" as we lovingly call it and, as a family of six, we stay real close together… Like real close! No one is lost in our home! Ha!
And the Christmas season made it even cozier! Twinkle lights, hot cups of yumminess, Christmas movies, Christmas music, cozy jammies (but let's be honest… we homeschool so cozy jammies aren't just a holiday thing! #alldayeveryday), lots of sweet snuggles and sweet treats and so much love.
Christmas is such a beautiful season filled with so much anticipation and hope!
We saw the tree lighting in town which just felt like an old-fashioned movie with the crowds and music and scarves and oversized coats and smiles and squeals and excitement! It was so special!
The hubs and I were so honored to lead the Christmas Eve services in worship and gather with His people to sing His praises… there is something so incredible about all the lights going out with only the glow of candles and so many beautiful voices singing all together.
We spent time with family and soaked up all the sweetness we could.

All our decorations are put away and we will start back into our homeschooling routine on Monday. I'm halfway dreading it and halfway looking forward to it! Ha! The struggle is real, folks!
Anyhoo… Here's some of the moments captured!


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