Exercise, healing, hope and this beautifully journey...

I've learned and grown so much through exercise. It's been an outlet for me physically, yes, but also spiritually. When I'm pushing myself physically, my mind brings to the surface allllll the excuses to stop, but then when I push passed it, I find that I'm stronger and more capable than I realized. I've had some major heart work on my exercise machine, listening to worship, pushing weakness out of my body and opening my mind to truth and strength from the Lord. The Lord has met me so closely in my times of working out. When I feel physically weak, He's swept in so beautifully with such strength and lifted me mentally and spirituality which makes me physically stronger. 

Years of sickness, confusion and pain, when I look back now I can see that it was truly the kindness and wisdom of the Lord channeling my life to get me to where I am today. My sickness has become one of my greatest blessings in my life because it all brought me to a deeper faith and trust and surrendering to Jesus. It's brought me to a community of life-givers that speak deep truths over me in ways I've never felt deserving of. It's brought women in my life that have shared testimonies of things that I've walked through and that they've found freedom and healing from... My sickness, that felt so overwhelming and as though I was held by heavy chains, has become the very thing to usher in the freedom that I've always sought after. Nothing is wasted. Pain, suffering, tragedy, the ugliness in life, the Lord can bring the greatest beauty from. The very things that have stolen our breath from heartache can be turned around to now take our breath away from the beauty that overwhelms our souls.

I had no idea what I was saying yes to when joining Young Living... all that I knew was that the Lord was leading me and I trust Him completely. I wish there was a way I could explain in words the true beauty, inner transformation and hope it's brought, friendships it brought, restoration and gratitude that have flooded my heart and life and body... there just aren't quite the right words. 
But oh, how thankful I am that Jesus led me to this life, to this team, to this calling that not only is life transforming but it's also such an honor to walk with other women and men on this journey. I want this for everyone ... it's so much bigger and deeper and grander than I expected. The mentoring, the hope-filling conversations, the encouragement, the love... it's all the most life-giving adventure I've ever been a part of. So thankful that the Lord saw me and called me to this life.
The Lord put this verse on my heart before stepping into this business and I'm seeing it all come to pass...
"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten"
(Joel 2:25)




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