Bookstore memories...

This little book store, the one my sweet second-born and I skipped to while on a special day out with just us and her daddy recently, was the very same bookstore I would walk into as a little girl with my dad. He was a book lover, and never went anywhere without at least one book with him at all times. Every time I smell the scent of old books I have a flood of memories come to my mind of my dad. Our home growing up had towers of books in every room it seemed and his office was full to overflowing with more books than a bookstore (or at least that’s how I remember it). The ability to read a million books skipped me and went to my oldest daughter, which my dad would’ve loved to see. The only book that I can pick up everyday and never get enough of is the Bible. He read it to me every night and the stories kept my heart and mind fascinated since childhood. The Bible has brought me comfort in my darkest days and moments of fear as well as been the place I run to in my moments of greatest joy. The time my dad took to invest God’s Word into my heart as a little girl has stayed with me long after my dad left this life and finally met Jesus face-to-face. What we do in life matters. What we invest into our children is their inheritance. I’m so thankful that my dad gave me such a love for scripture and pointed me to Jesus because it’s shown me where my greatest strength is found.


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