Documenting our 16th wedding anniversary!

We celebrated 16 years this last October!
Here's from that day! 

“‘Love one another.’ What is simple often isn’t easy; what is easy often doesn’t last.” We just celebrated our sweet sixteen (and definitely been kissed) anniversary yesterday. Marriage is simple but not easy. It’s daily CHOOSING to love and forgive over and over again. It’s living out in a tangible way the love of Jesus. Two sinners standing before God, promising to love, honor, respect and forgive forever. Marriage is simple but not easy. But it’s a million times worth it. It was created and ordained by God because He loves marriage. I love my husband way more today than I did standing in that church sixteen years ago and not because it’s been easy street for us. It’s been hard, y’all. Like really really hard. Like who knows if we’ll make it hard. Like only because of the redeeming restoring miracle works of Jesus kinda story that He wrote for us. Our marriage is proof that God still lives and moves in the lives of humans. And I’m forever grateful for the beauty from ashes that He created in our family. My man is my best friend and the guy that makes me laugh more than anyone else. I love him a million much, as my kids say. Yesterday was so special. {Quote from the book Everybody, Always by Bob Goff}

Here's so candid shots from my iPhone:

We packed up and headed out to San Fran with our kiddos to celebrate our anniversary! I took the girls into The Legion of Honor and it was amazing! Kids 17 and under are free and adults are only $15! And I got a super deal because there was only an hour left so I asked if they had a discount... he waited a minute and then gave me the senior discount for $12! 


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