Grace in motherhood

With my first baby I remember worrying about everything, wondering that if my baby wasn’t rolling over or sitting up or fill-in-the-blank thing that other babies were doing if that meant something was wrong with her or with me because it wasn’t happening at the same time/month that other babies were doing it. 

I was brand new at mothering and she was brand new at living. My heart felt like it was going to burst with how much I loved her and I was so scared I was going to do it wrong. 

I had way too much pressure on myself as a mother (still do some days).

But something that I’ve learned over the last 15+ years of mothering many now, babies tend to figure things out on their own time and it’s perfect for them. They don’t need to follow someone else’s timeframe. Just give them time, be patient, cheer them on, kiss them and snuggle them and sing to them and make up silly songs with their name in it and rock them to sleep and take deep breaths and know it’ll all be ok. 

They are perfectly yours and you are perfectly theirs because God created you both for each other. 

Give yourself grace and patience, sweet mama, and seek Jesus daily for His peace that surpasses understanding so that you don’t waste a moment second guessing yourself. Trust your God-given, God-created mama-instinct you have for your child. It’s there for a reason to fiercely protect your baby. 

Enjoy these days because soon enough it’ll all look so different. Still incredible but in a completely different way. Soak it up, savor it and know that your baby doesn’t care about your looks, career, social media following, home design (or lack there of). Your baby just wants you, your face, your voice, your touch, your snuggle, your laughter and your love. It’s so simple with babies. 

You don’t need money or fancy things or big vacations or Pinterest parties to be their mama. They just need good ol’ fashioned love. All the rest is just extra. 💛🤟🏼

You’re doing great, mama 💛



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