Speaking truth + identity over your babies

 This morning consisted of holding my baby while listening to worship music, closing my eyes and whispering prayers into his ears. Kissing his squishy cheeks a million times and reminding him that he was made with purpose, that he has a calling on his life, that he has an anointing on him, that he will change the world because he has the authority and power that comes from Jesus to move mountains. I pray over and over that he KNOWS deeply Jesus and that he will love and serve the Lord all the days of his life. 

I believe so strongly that we, as mamas, are to speak TRUTH + IDENTITY over our children so that when they face the world, they’ll be, just like we tell Lion everyday, “strong and mighty and not scared a nothin”. 

Your children are listening to your words and they have the power to impact generations. Choose your words wisely ✌🏼

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” -Proverbs 18:21


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