My heart. My mission.

 I am completely and fully in love with these precious faces. They are our greatest gifts and the reason behind why we fight so hard to live the life we do. 

It doesn’t always make sense to everyone looking in but that’s totally okay. ðŸ˜Š

When we stand before Jesus one day, I want Him to say  “well done, good and faithful servant” because of my faithfulness in raising THEM over anything else. 

We can’t take “things” with us when we pass from this life to the next but we can bring souls. So you better believe I’m gonna fight every day for THEIR HEARTS AND SOULS to know and love Jesus because their eternity is determined by their choices here on earth. 

God has entrusted my husband and me with five eternal souls to raise and they are our highest priority. 

I’m daily watching God moving in their hearts individually and it’s the most beautiful, incredible and overwhelming gift to see. 

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

3 John 1:4

Xoxo Abbi


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