What he started saying on his last day being one…


On his last day of being one he started calling me mom. Not mama anymore. Just mom, like a big kid. I didn’t know if I should cry about it or laugh about because he’s just so freaking cute. 

He says all day long, “hiya, mom!” Or just “moooooom moooom mooooom” 🥹❤️ 

Occasionally I’ll hear mama still and I love it so much but being called mom is pretty darn cute too! 💛

He also says “hiya” to everyone in the house like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and we’re obsessed.

Hiya, papa!

Hiya, mom!

Hiya, Ry!

Hiya, Scow!

Hiya, boys! (that’s his name for Uly😆)

Hiya, Makis!

The actual cutest ever 🥹💛


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