Things I’m loving lately

 Happy Friday! Here’s some #fridayfavorites from things I’m loving lately:

1. My little office/fitness corner. It’s a cozy space i meet with the Lord. My verse focus this year is Luke 2:52 and part of that is growing physically to prepare for the ministry I’m called to. This is the space I come to most. 

2. Audio Bible. Best thing ever. I learn so much more listening so this has been a GIFT! I was listening late last night while nursing Oceana back to sleep and in Acts 16 it was so cool listening to how much they were led by the Holy Spirit where *not* to preach and then where they were to preach. That’s the goal of my life. I want to walk so closely with the Lord that, even in good options, if it’s not where God wants me, I know it. Walking with Jesus, being led by the Holy Spirit, it’s incredible!

3. I’m trying always to add in protein to my meals which is hard for me because all I want is empty carbs. 🤪😂 I love @toneitup protein shakes with Ningxia greens 🥬, sunbutter and unsweetened coconut milk. So yummy! I’ll have it for breakfast or lunch (if I remember 😬) along with coffee. I go back and forth with iced black coffee or creamy maple syrup hot coffee. Both so good. I wish coffee was as hydrating as water. 😆😬🙏🏼

4. This diffuser blend is dreamy. Also, I’m just so grateful for these little bottles. Even though this last year was one of the hardest I’ve experienced from January all the way to December, and my capacity to do my business shifted, I never stopped reaching for these oils and YL products. They really are daily products in our home and it’s such a cool testimony for myself to know these are so much more than something I sell but they impact myself and family so deeply. If your emotions need a hug, essential oils are your bestie. 

5. Sulfurzyme Powder is the real MVP of my very long hair health journey. It’s also in powder form so it’s the only supplement I’ve stayed consistently using for the last few years because I hate swallowing pills. 😑✌🏽 Truly, this has been a game changer in the health of my hair, and if you’ve experienced hair loss/damage, you know it’s a big deal. I’ve been sharing lots of before and afters in my stories on Instagram. 

Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo Abs


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