february 29, 2024 #livingoutluke252

 february 29, 2024

daily documenting #livingoutluke252 

The more time I’m in God’s word, the more I crave it. You know how when you start eating healthy and the more time you train your taste buds to eat healthy foods, the more you want and even crave more healthy foods? The junk food you use to eat you start to want less and less because YOU FEEL THE DIFFERENCE. 

It’s the same with the Bible. The more I’ve trained my mind by ingesting God’s Word, the more my mind wants the things of this world less and less. It’s like the veil has been lifted, I can see behind the curtain and I’m disenchanted by the distractions of this world because I know they’re not good for me and only take away my focus from the Lord. I FEEL THE DIFFERENCE. 

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12


The last pictures are from this morning. Ocean was upset so Lion asked to hold her. She instantly calmed down with him as he held her and booped her nose. It’s something he does with her daily. THEY ARE PRECIOUS GIFTS 😍


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