february 8, 2024 #livingoutluke252

 february 8, 2024

daily documenting #livingoutluke252

This experiment is literally changing my life. I feel it. My kids even told me they see it. One kid said, “you’re smiling more and just seem so much happier!” Aka less grumpy-butt 😂

I go to bed listening to the Bible, wake up listening, workout listening and it’s given me more peace, joy, gratitude, CAPACITY, joy, patience. It’s incredible! 

Topic today:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

I was trying to explain to my kids what the fear of the Lord is. I started saying that’s not like a scared fear but a reverence and then I had to stop myself because scripture doesn’t say reverence, but fear. And then I remembered how those that encountered angels fell to the ground unable to move or speak because fear came over them until the angel would say, “fear not…” That wasn’t just reverence, that was fear. And that was only the angels, so how much more the Lord? 

I think we need to have a holy awareness of Who God really is. Sin cannot be in His presence and so if we are unaware, blind, numb to our sin because we aren’t looking with clear eyes at Jesus and standing in holy fear and awe of Him, it creates an unholy distance and an unholy worldview that leads us in the wrong direction. We need holy fear and to stand in awe before the Lord, which then leads us to being mindful and very intentional with our words and choices and decisions, because again, our view of God is clear. And that clarity and intentionality leads us to walking in wisdom. From that wisdom, it leads us to all the blessings and promises the Bible speaks to when walking in wisdom. Just take Proverbs 3 for one (of many) examples… in that chapter alone it says that the fear of the Lord brings health, strength, increase, overflow, happiness, holy correction, understanding and godly wisdom that produces profit, length of days, wealth, pleasantness, peace, discretion, life to your soul, safety, sleep, courage, blessing, God as our counselor and grace. 


So understanding a right fear of the Lord, so that we walk in wisdom, is so important! 


Next thought…  

My advice:

Have another baby if you feel God putting it on your heart. 

Even if you’ve had 5 kids already. 

Even if you’re in your 40’s 👵🏼

Even if you have thyroid problems that tell you that your chances of getting pregnant and keeping that pregnancy are near impossible. 

Even if you’ve had a miscarriage and birth trauma.

Have another baby. 

Pray to the God of miracles for another miracle. 

She is worth fighting through every lie and fear and impossibility. 

Nothing is impossible with God. 


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