Listening to the Bible + Staring at the Sky

I’m still listening through the Bible on audio multiple times a day and it’s truly been the biggest game changer for my spiritual health. I feel like getting chunks of scripture in at a time has changed my view of who God is in the biggest and most radical ways and it’s overflowing onto my children which has been such a bonus of a blessing. Truly. They have left me sweet notes, made comments about my relationship with Jesus and one kiddo even thanked me this week for how I love Jesus. Like, how precious is that?! 😭❤️ Mamas,they are watching and soaking in how we love Jesus and will also soak in when Jesus isn’t the priority too. They see it all. If you aren’t ingesting the Bible everyday, re-prioritize your life so that it becomes a rhythm in your daily life. You and your family will be so blessed!

I’m finding myself so in awe of God through reading the Bible, especially the Old Testament, that I’ve been soaking up being outside and literally just looking up into the sky and being still and breathing deep and enjoying His creation, praying and pulling my kids into it with me. This picture of the sky was yesterday. The clouds were moving from a storm beginning to blow in. I was exercising outside, my boys were on scooters and I stopped, grabbed cushions from our outdoor chairs, laid on the driveway, told my boys to lay next to me and to watch the clouds. I told them that the same God who made all that we see is the same God who sees us, loves us, listens to us and that nothing is hard for Him! He can do ANYTHING! Then I brought my girls outside to do the same thing. Haha! They halfway thought I was crazy but I’m praying it’s moments like that that they remember. 

These are just some little moments I want to hold close and remember. The little things are the big things when it comes to our children and I wanna hold it all close as treasures in my heart. 

Happy weekend, friends!




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