Running a Business in a Season of Low Capacity
When I first started this business in 2016 I ran hard and fast. I had no idea what I was doing but I was having a blast, doing everything, excited about it all and running off adrenaline, joy, wins and delight! I knew God put this in my path as a way to provide for my family and I loved the process so much.
The last few years have been different because of a lot of things but mostly because of my last two pregnancies and postpartum experiences. It’s been incredibly stretching and exhausting and challenging in ways I wasn’t expecting. Really beautiful things mixed into really hard things.
But even in my very low capacity season these last few years, the Lord has used what we spent years building as provision in ways only God could have done. Literally no other business is like this.
Early in my business the Lord kept highlighting the story of Noah. God told him to build an ark that would become the vessel that saved him and his family. He looked crazy to those watching as he was building a boat when they had never seen rain, but God knew what was coming.
And God knew what was coming for my family too. He saw the loss of a baby in my womb. He saw a world wide pandemic that would rock the world. He saw two more redemption babies coming that would take everything inside of me to carry and sustain. He saw the loss of Tony’s dad that would change our lives and rock us to the core. He saw my ppd coming in heavy. He saw all of it and had us prepare ahead of time.
And it has still to this day blessed our family in ways I never knew we would need. But God did. He is the great Provider. He has gone before us and prepared the way.
This is a season of much lower capacity than when I started years ago but I’m watching the Lord bless it and multiply whatever I can give. He doesn’t need me to run hard. He’s looking for obedience to Him, faithfulness in the small and whether I can trust Him or not.
If you feel stirred to do something that may feel crazy to the world but you know that God is in it, runnnnnnn. He sees what you can’t. Trust His leading.
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